Saturday, April 07, 2007

ONE BAD ASS BASS PLAYER My instructor, amazing artist.



Anonymous said...

I love the promo clip. Can you play that kind of jazzy style? Your blog lost another post that I put on the bio story. What is up with that? It says that the post was saved, but never appears. Lets see if this one gets on, following the same protocols.

Anonymous said...

I listen to the rest of his tracks on his site, wow. I love the tracks with the horns and the bongos! Ill have to start playing along! You gotta learn one of them songs.

Marc R said...

SSK that SLAP style is nice, but it takes a lot of work, I cannot replicate anything like that because the guy is on another planet.

But I am defining my own style, and continue to work hard on basic scales, arpegio's fingering, and leave lots of time for playing by feel and making shit up.

I bought a nre BAss a WARWICK CORVETTE $$, and it alone has taken me up a notch, in a whole other class thanwhT I had been playing