Sunday, September 28, 2008


"It's got to be done right away, but they won't make any concessions in order to get it to happen," said Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Sherman Oaks), who sits on the House Financial Services Committee."They are playing Russian roulette in the hopes that if the economy gets shot, the Democrats get blamed," Sherman said.

Just interviewed on CNN from what he was saying is that the plan to be offerred and voted on IS THE BUSH $700 Billion PRINTATHON giveaway,blank check, bendover taxpayer, false hope bailout pig. That there may appear to be CONCESSIONS, but it is all just "window dressing" and JUST like the fing PAtriot ACT the BUSH ADM is using a PANIC or in this case if you heard the idiots speaches trying to induce a PANIC so their crony bill can get passed.

Some actually woke up and there is NO AMERICAN taxpayer concencus that we do this, it doesn't matter does it?

They have worked all into FEVER PITCH that something get done, only Rick Santelli sniffs a pig, all the others are morons saturating the public with untruths and outright lies...misrepresentation.

I guess I'll have to wait and se Mr MArkets reaction, Houdini or Kreskan I am not, crystal ball I dont have, but in the end it is what it was said to be a fricken BLANK CHECK TO MUNSTER PAULSON AND CAN NOW BE USED TO BAILOUT HIS CRONY WALL STREET FRIENDS AT TAXPAYER EXPENSE.

A PIG is a pig no matter how you dress it up, and when dust settles, watch US $$$, BONDS, MKT REACTION and not just on Monday but as week rolls on and weeks ahead....G-d HELP US!@


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