Tuesday, March 01, 2005


http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/series/MZMOWN/30/Max AFTER ALL the STIMULUS, does this chart look right?

http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/series/M3/28 You would think M3 would be GROWING RAPIDLY, but this shows (notice slight hook in chart line) maybe the FED is "pulling on a string" ?

Gov's OWN stats.

HOUSING; FACT: MORE people OWN homes then ever before.
FACT: TOTAL credit market debt at historical high. (a lot of increase is mortgage debt)
FACT: Prices PAID for home ownership have skyrocketed.
FACT:30% of home loans over $330K are ARMS. NOT locked in.
FACT: Property taxes rising 30 to 50% in MANY areas.
FACT: MEDIAN HOME VALUE has begun to slip.
FACT:HOME INVENTORIES beginning to climb (unsold homes)

FNM CRACKED support at $60, largest home mortgager, no one saying boo!

PRODUCTIVITY no longer the miracle. EARNINGS growth will now slow. BULK OF GAINS from FINANCIALS, HOUSING and ENERGY, all connected IMHO all potentially topped.


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