Thursday, November 12, 2009

WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!

ZERO % INTEREST FOR ONE YEAR (IDIOTS trying to reinflate bubble are yoy FING KIDDING ME??)
PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO, WATCH THE STOOGES AND RESPONSES. If you're breathing and alive leave me a comment to let me know I am getting thru to you.



SSK said...

The politian at the end says it all. Thanks, SSK

Anonymous said...

hahaha. Feds ARE the entire mortgage market. What will happen when they have to stop buying mortgage backed securities at some point?

We havent seen deflation rampage the US yet. Hyperinflation still some years away.

Anonymous said...

Yes SSK, I just LOVE Bernanke's reposnses to the questions, and we KNOWhow things turned out, how could there be ANY SUPPORT or CONFIDENCE behind this BOOB?