Thursday, December 17, 2009


...."The dollar jumped to a three-month high against the euro, a sign of risk-aversion in the market. Investor confidence was further sapped as a forecast from FedEx Corp. fell short of expectations and Citigroup Inc. sold stock at a steep discount as part of a plan to repay government loans.

More poor news came in on the economy as the government reported an unexpected rise in unemployment claims last week. The number of new jobless claims rose to 480,000 last week, up 7,000 from the previous week."

LOOK.....we're dumb but not FEDX really shipping less boxes? WHY isn't the job picture improving especially around XAMS time?

The banks floated STOCK (spelled DILUTION by existing shareholders) to repay TWERP so they could take BIG bonueses. SO they could fleece unsuspecting investors to grab the BAG and HOLD IT just as the rock hits the bag and rips the bottom OUT!

HUGE HUNKS of our economy aren't functioning well, and others are on STIMULUS life support....what if the V shaped stock rally was just that,,,,a sham ploy to pump up stck prices and banks shares to get healthy.....but anyone in the street is dying from swine flu...

SOMEONE with some common sense please come and help us...HEY I KNOW WHY DON'T WE HAVE ANOTHER JOB SUMMIT????


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