Saturday, September 10, 2005


FED has arrived to that place, the rock and hard one, where they be dammned if they don't.Katrina spending most don't understand would ADD to inflationary pressures, and only replace what was there and redirect resources, not the boondoogle 'sperts and others claim so I hear.(see "broken window fallacy)
Gas may fall but by the last few years standards is staying high, and winter approaches.Everything we touch must GET THERE by transportation, and so EX food and energy a f'ing joke. I am getting 15% and higher fuel surcharges and permanent price increases by vendors, and I have to finally PASS IT ON.Oddly, I see this "inflation" given record debt and lowest savings rate (NEG .6%) on record since 1959, as DEFLATIONARY, because there does not exists with excess capacity awash in system, too FEW GOODS being chased by TOO MANY dollars.On the contrary,there seems to be plenty around of whatever consumers want.Not (I havent read RR 9/9 yet) only that, but Transports are not confirming this UP move in DOW, so it is BOGUS IMHO.$69 BILLION in new funny money last 2 weeks, is your answer.I, think is in no win scenario, and might even RAISE RATES, it would CRUSH this Katrina BS fed will stop rasing rally dead in its tracks IMHO.Forget Iraq? $2 B a day spent here, already $60B appropriated (from where?) and if they say $125B needed then DOUBLE THAT! from where?NOT continuing the rise in rates will FEED inflation and crush the dollar, and maybe gold sees that, but there again why the reluctance of Silver? so odd eh? BOTH MUST move as one for the move to be real IMHO.We already knew the BLS or the BSBLS did not include the rise in housing prices or property taxes into its inflation indicator, and I say what good is it?Now, what part of your life doesn't cost more, and we see the vapid fed using the same damn elixr that got us here in the first place. We are near $10 TRILLION FIAT sheets in circulation, damn them to hell!

In reply to: RR John Wagner

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