Thursday, November 05, 2009



$ debasement, JOB LOSSES, EQUITY BUBBLE, DEBT AS % OF GDP...we have SOARED to be heights, as a rise from a Recessionary LOW some 60% this too BRUTE'.

The rise from the 1929 CRASH lows was near 46%.....we had to outdo that too in this age of financial smoke and mirrors.

Wall Street types are ready to distribute some $21 B in thank you's to their hard working class, this may also be a record, but just ONE YEAR AGO they had HAT IN HAND. How so such a "MIRACLE" turnabout?

GAO in its infinite wisdom changed the accounting rules in the middle of the game from "Mark To Market )value" to Mark to MOdel (fantasy) hence they could overstate their situation, and one must wonder how so these illustrious good fellow bankers have pulled this off? DERIVING some 80% of thier ill begotten gains from insider, I mean TRADING PROFITS....

There is no 2ndry market for CDO'S, MBS's.......when the FED stops playing their we print it we buy it game in MARCH of 2010 (good month for topping or bottoming too) WHO WILL STEP UP? considering even more debt needs to be issued than ever before......don't worry the bald heads got your back.

I can NO LONGER stomach, even for mere minutes, maybe seconds the tripe and dribble I hear coming out of the PIEHOLES on CNBC and other MSM.....was it yesterday they trotted out guest after guests telling us dumb asses how "technology is grossly undervalued" thank goodness for quality unbiased reporting. I have selected a feature on my TV that blocks OUT OFFENSIVE material and can no longer pick up the channel.

Do you understand that ALL this historic money laundering the GOV/FED is electronically printing is taking away from the PRODUCTIVE segment of our economy, it is making any recovery take much longer if not killing it.

Let me say this, expect EMPOYMENT DATA TO GET BETTER.>WHY? at some point my friends they have chopped until all that is left is the brain, heart and lungs...and a FEW STRANDS OF MUSCLE....we call this bottom of the barrel.

Here is a math lesson, please let me demonstrate how data can be easily manipulated in its presentation.

Economy began deteriorating in 2007 (maybe sooner UNOFFICIALLY), all kinds of data began to slip down the slope.

In 2007 we sold $200,000 of widgets.
In 2008 let us say we sold $100,000 of widgets. (50% drop)
In 2009 YR/YR sales of widgets gained 30% !!! YES 30%
That figure is $130,00 of rose YES (klunkers rebate) but still is far off its top in sales.
Car sales reached near 15-16 M per yr at its height, now we avg some 10 M....there's progress for you.

EXPECT RETAIL SALES TO RISE......scratch your head NO MORE when you figure at LEAST 7 MILLION soles can no longer afford to buy anything......


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