Wednesday, March 25, 2009


*chart courtesy Ned Davis Reseach (click to enlarge)

IMHO FED and GOV action cannot reverse what has JUST BEGUN to unwind, reaching % heights not even seen in last Great Depression, some of the methods now being used may prolong and or make matters worse.

PUMPING the real estate bubble in 2003 worked as housing had yet to rise in parabolic fashion, consumers hardly held back last mini Recession in 2001, which as TECH Bubble deflated....last Bear was to bring us back to norm and reset ourselves for the next expansion.

Instead we PILED on MORE DEBT, and now day of reckoning is here. But most do not see the FED as the problem, no we need to make Geithner's powers such as he would be KING? He was at FED during the period of our discontent.....and was architecht of the favortism going on now for Goldman Sachs as $12B was funneled to them from one sees that FOX is in the HEN HOUSE.....No one sees the reshaping of the financial world and WHO comes out ahead and WHY!

Did not the FED or GOV SEE the Real Estate explosion? No ONE saw the condo's going up overnight in Miami? The CRANE's in Shanghai? or Dubai? THE RAMPANT speculation that was ALLOWED?

Maybe the GOV has to take over spending when others will not, but we are losing more and more the ability to operate in a free market system and have a say so in how our futures unfold.


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