Thursday, August 11, 2005


It was Cabott Newsletter which stated (a BUY!) "GOOG isn't likely to ever see $284 again....." heloooo, now under $284 near $282.

These BULLISH newsletters feel they have to have you invested, no matter what?

BULLISH sentiment at all time high? YES, higher than 2000 IIAA poll, 146 weeks straight of BULLS in plurality, and spread of bulls less bears near highest level seen, and in area that has seen a top be put in.

MArkets NOT moving in unison, disjointed, also suspect of topping action. BOND yields so far today resilient considering bullish ebbing sentiment.

GOLD popping, I don't see SILVER confirming, so I am taking no action as yet. still expect a steep decline to below $400 in coming months...unless old highs are taken out along with Silver

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