Thursday, February 26, 2009

California Unempoyment 9.4%

Newly unemployed across country are also losing their health care benefits which puts even more stress on our system and a fix.

2/3 of US GOV budget of $3.3Trillion goes to MEdicare and Social Security. Remaining 1/3 is left for DEFENSE and everything else!!!!

SO include INTEREST ON THE US DEBT, and now our deficit is reaching beyond $1 Trillion, all these new GOV programs are adding to the HOLE we are digging.

Can't do nothing you say? Maybe not, but the GOV is crowding OUT the PRIVATE sector for the CREDIT they need to operate and grow.

Long term rates are rising. SO we can monetize the debt too? KEEP RATES LOW?

ONce you become educated, enlightened as towhat is REALLY going on here and there is NO going remain informed, aware, but this unfortunately brings the burdon of knowing....

Tuesday was a 90% UP volume day, WEd no follow thru, could suggest prices need to FALL further before we can declare an END to this BEAR MKT!!

TA will tell us months after it is over it may be safe to test the waters.....but not in real time.

GE may pop back to life, I may regret NOT buying near $9 >????!!!! But this also tells me there may be something horribly wrong here, how bad is their financial arm hurting them?

We are still at oversold readings, more upside may be possible. I do not think BEAR MKT IS OVER IMHO


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