Thursday, February 12, 2009


*(Nouriel Roubini says to avert worst case scenario, GOV must do EVERYTHING 100% right...)

Below please find the link to what I believe tells the most accurate story of what has happened, what will unfold and why.

I run a retail business and I can tell you, the level of business has fallen below what I would categorize a Recession. You will not find this read an easy one, but if you want answers, if want to understand the HISTORIC events now unfolding you WILL READ IT.

As much as I want to believe the STIM PLAN is our saviour, I rather doubt it. The truth is not going to be told to the American people, and probably those responsable will get a pass. Hank Paulson already gave out $350 Billion and all the promises of oversight were just lip service. SO Wells Fargo used Tarp money NOT TO LEND but to buy Wachovia Bank and on top of that got a $25B tax break....but I digress.

*OH PS Isn't our national debt near $8 Trillion and of that over $6 Trillion is INTEREST PAYMENTS? So you see how paying INterest DIVERTS otherwise productive capital AWAY from our economy. Armstrong Economics

Posted: Feb 10 2009 By: Jim Sinclair Post Edited: February 10, 2009 at 12:47 am
Filed under: General Editorial

Dear Friends,
Read this and you need not read any more ever, anywhere.
Save the file linked below. Each time you need me to hold your hand read this first. You will no longer need me.
I have in chapter and verse outlined to you what is coming and why.
This article is a maximus opus in line and verse, outlined in time and form and absolutely correct in content.
I met Mr. Armstrong in the early 80s. I know his story better than most. This is a man who has been persecuted for his knowledge. He is a modern day Livermore. Armstrong is the only true genius in finance. No one can qualify to tie his shoes.
He was incarcerated because of his talent by an all but now forgotten jurist. The why is forgotten. All that is remembered is someone’s belief he cost the IRS a large chunk of money.


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