Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Irresponsable lending policies by the banks, and an easy money policy by the FED, no SEC safeguarding with an historic expansion of credit and debt, much of to whom was not viable for the loans and a leveraged economy built on a house of cards has gone BUST, and as crazy as it sounds, it must be allowed to deleverage and unwind and values are trying to decline to a true market value which is sustainable.

We either have a true market system where the market sets the prices or we continue with a warped manipulated version where the FED continues to f'up and the GOV decides it can fix all problems.

No matter what is said, every time a CATASTROPHE happens GOV blows it way out of proportion and uses it to further its aims AKA PATRIOT ACT, INVASION of IRAQ etc.

Now as masquerading as STIM plan we have wealth redistribution and social spending and much will be permanent.

$25B was GIVEN by the leech Paulson to WELLS FARGO, and did they use it to loan to those in need? NO they used it to BUY WACOVIA and dbl the size of the bank off our $%%@# backs!

On top of that Paulson SNUCK in a provision that also gives WELLS a $25 B tax breaK!!!!! AND HOW IN THE HECK was it allowed (FEAR FACTOR AGAIN!) that $350B was flitted away and no one can tell where it went or how it was used, in fact PAulson had SO MUCH POWER he told the banks I dont care what you do with it! GREAT POLICY

Tax evader Geithner will tell us how its going to be dif now today. Isnt he the same monkey that was a FED GOV when all this was going on?

NOW HEAR THIS, if you take out the money PULLED from homes last 5 years or so we basically would not have had an economy......so we RAPED our homes as ATM machines....all that happened in front of THEIR eyes was not only allowed but encouraged.

And out of control speculation and an EXPLOSION of DERIVATIVES was left unchecked.....and now what is on FED balance sheet? How much DEBT has and is going to be incurred by the bankrupt US GOV?

DO you know it is reported we already OVERPAID $78Billion for assets they bought which was said to be great investment? JUST LIKE IRAQUI OIL WOULD PAY FOR WAR?

Here bend over and pick up that soap please......


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