Monday, July 27, 2009


There is no fair playing field, not when large trading houses can see you trades and move in front of them. Not where same can go to the FED window and borrow money at 0% and stick it into the stock market, INSTEAD OF LEND IT TO YOU! is this the RECOVERY we were promised?

Economy is recovering so well some auto companies are matching the $4,500 gov trade in stimulus for $9K off, and some with free maintainence for 60K miles. Don't they have to make money when they sell a car? It is you and me providing the stimulus.

We have a stock market which is rising on LOW VOLUME, we have respected stock market data keepers showing us buyers are not acting like they have in ANY other Bull Market.

Prices going parabolic in some case. CHinese government so desperate to goose their economy they are FORCING banks to make loans on top of the bad ones already made in a system already in trouble and the money is going instead into real estate and their SSEC stock market spurring a 90% RISE!!!!

Imagine a 90% rally folks in China, when the worlds Consumers are dry heaving all over the place? In A Land of over capacity and too much of everything, we just flood it with stimulus?

TO MAKE WHAT??????? FOR WHO??????

"Castles made of sand slip into the sea....eventually...." "Come on Mr Businessman, you can't dress lile me...." ooops I digress..... "IF 6 was 9...."

Over 50% of trading is "program trading" so if these hoodlums are allowed to see what you ar doing before you can do it and that's legal? it's a rigged game friends.

EVERYONE (but me??) is turning BULLISH! as if some miracle has been accomplished, disaster averted...for another day perhaps.

But the Banks are NOT reporting as they were reporting and their EARNINGS are doggone suspect because of the "suspension of mark to market accounting"...sorry if I am not a true believer.

Economie GROW and DEVELOP from a vast EXPANSION of CREDIT and DEBT.....when a DEBT is taken there is usualy an order created....and it gets into systme and it changes hands, the more rapidly the better. (velocity of money)
As shown in above chart, you can't have expanding economy without VELOCITY of the money.
What we are witnessing are NOT fixers of the ISSUES, but manipulators and the profiteering from AVG people by the chosen insiders (GS etc).
OK, Banks are NOT lending, credit is NOT expanding, banks are not valuing their assets as was previously mandated as excepted accounting prinicples, why? because it showed how illiquid their assets and devalued they had become, all of a sudden their whole again.
We are in a contracting credit environment, with some NEW tricks and quany easing, and some old ones, puppets on MSM, lots of PRES speaches, but LITLE SUBSTANCE.
Bernanke says....."dont investigate the FED come on, this would HURT the economy..." scare tacticts?????? what DO they have to HIDE?


Anonymous said...

Please let us know when you are buying, should be the time to sell. You never mention the 3.5 trillion in cash sitting on the sidelines... hmmm dollar crapping stock market rising, sounds almost bullish to most.

D said...

Cramer, will you please stop posting to my website.

Some people have an interest on the truth. It's never as good or bad as it looks?

Hey buddy, your only still down 60% from the top ! good job!