Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Comments on MIERS nomination

"She's never been a judge before, never served on the bench. This is part of President Bush's strategy of surrounding himself with people who are also in over their heads." —Jay Leno, on Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers"

Harriet Miers, as you know, has no experience. Apparently no experience is the main requirement to be a Bush appointee." —David Letterman

Idiotic Sound Bite of the Week
"I think with a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court, you can't play, you know, hide the salami, or whatever it's called." —Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean, urging President Bush to make public Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers's White House records, MSNBC's Hardball Ron Paul archives

Remember this guy is a REPUBLICAN!

The Constitution above all is a document that limits the power of the federal government. The fundamental point that has been lost in our national discourse is this: the Constitution prohibits the federal government, including the federal judiciary, from doing all kind of things. Until we have federal judges who understand this, it matters little what political stripes or experience they bring to the bench. The Constitution does not empower government and grant rights, it restricts government in order to safeguard preexisting rights. When federal courts disregard this principle, acting as legislatures or failing to enforce constitutional limitations, we get the worst kind of unaccountable government.

I'M done!

Duratek "your voice in the dark"


Anonymous said...

I think both picks of the high court are bad picks.

Both are 'Libs' in general and thats not something the nation needs.

The Constitution was done long agao in the 'War Between the States' when the states then saw the over whelming power of the Federal goverment.

It was at this point that the Constitution (the framing document) was torn.

Bork wrote much about how we could regain what we had lost, but he was quickly kill off.

It is interesting how the markets are acting.

More so... maybe then before...

Marc R said...

Go back to SUpreme Court ruling first Bush election on FLA vote.....I would love a COnservative Republican, that's not what stole his way into the white house!