Sunday, July 13, 2008


from a knowledgable friend of mine (an executive at a top NYSE company)

This is a Bannana Republic….this might sound extreme however follow my thesis…..Democracy has been destroyed….our Bill of Rights is nothing what it used to be and has been taken apart over the past 8 years but in reality has been slowly dismantled over the past 20-30 years.

Our Dollar is TOAST….NO COUNTRY IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD HAS EVER DEVALUED ITS WAY TO PROSPERITY. The “US FAVORS A STRONG DOLLAR POLICY BY THE ADMINISTRATION” is the biggest lie and crock of shit I have ever heard….every administration says it…but they are politicians and any politician in the office is only concerned about 1 thing…getting elected into the 2nd term.

BRETTON WOODS 2 is on its back and the patient is on life-support….the Euro, RMB and foreign currencies are all better alternatives to the USD which is nothing when you look at the UNFUNDED LIABILITIES AND ENORMOUS DEBT that our friends hold…THEY OWN US AND HAVE FOR YEARS….they buy our buildings, OWN JPM AND MER AND C and our other companies like BUD and the like…ROME IS BURNING BRIGHT, NERO HAS FIDDLED IT ALL AWAY and You and I and the rest have to fend for ourselves….

Yes this country still is the “LAND OF THE FREE but how FREE are you?” You think the Administration was just listening to phone calls only the past 8 years? If you think that, I’ve got some SPEC HOMES IN PHOENIX or CONDOS IN MIAMI TO SELL YOU FOR TOP DOLLAR!The richest 1 percent of this country own over 70% of it……read that again….the richest 1 PERCENT of this country own over 70% of the wealth of this country….the other 99% are screwed….
This country has a bunch of sheeple; the last great generation was the Greatest Generation as they had experienced a depression, gave it all for keeping the world free (WW2) and then led the great boom this country has witnessed and became the leader of the world in the 1950’s…..the people born in 1960 and later have NEVER seen bad times with the exception of 1973-74 and 1980-1982….and those pale in comparison to 1929-1938; today people don’t know about money, they don’t know what a stable currency is, they only know credit, plastic...

Madonna and AROD, Britney, Lindsay Lohan….do I need go on…..I am not trying to sound negative but I am a realist….you need to take matters in your own hands and prepare for your future as it is not going to be given to you on a platter like many still believe….we have gutted the manufacturing sector to the third world countries….
China is the NEXT MILITARY AND ECONOMIC SUPERPOWER, we are a primarily SERVICES country……and we have=20been CONDITIONED TO BUY BUY BUY/SHOP TILL YOU DROP and let someone else’s kids fight in a war that EVERYONE HAS TUNED OUT ON. Did you know that only ½% of the COUNTRY is either in IRAQ or serves in the military?

What ever became of giving back? Shit, I’d like just people to give 1-2 years back to their communities for service to make it a better place to live…or give 1-2 years in a public works program to build their infrastructure back, or to make a neighborhood safe to live in again…anything but we don’t serve because we FEEL WE ARE ENTITLED …….Bottom Line: SUIT UP, LACE’EM TIGHT BECAUSE THE REAL GAME IS ON….IT IS CALLED SURVIVAL AND IF YOU DON”T DO IT….YOU’LL END UP LIKE ALL THE REST…


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