Friday, June 11, 2010



"Market jumps on huge burst in CHinese manufacturing...48%?????...." REALLY??

from 2009 daily reckoning

"Chinese officials have a funny way of counting. When products are shipped from the factory, for example, they are counted as ‘sales’ even though no one may actually buy them."

Sorry if I don't buy this "remarkable" growth story. Let's get this straight, most of the world is mired in a Recession, 8 M added to unemployed here since 2007 or MORE. European economies near bankrupt, bailouts.....contraction of bank lending.........but Chinese exports grew 48% last month?????? get that BLEEP'g fish hook out of my mouth.....what is it and where's it going???

EXCUSE ME FOR BEING SKEPTICAL LOOK at above SSEC stock index action......if there was a Chinese miracle wouldn't Chinese stocks catch FIRE??????? do YOU see a parabolic reaction? didn't think so, what I see if a CHinese market deflating, in a BEAR MKT since last AUGUST
LIBOR is LOW when comparing to historical higher rates back to 2000, BUT it rose when European crisis began and rates are exactly where they were at those highs, unmoved by all the crisis is over hype BS.
I am wary of that ARMS INDEX SPIKE chart I posted. I am wary of the deflating ADJ M BASE CHART I just posted link.
The OTHER reason given for 270 PT rally!!! almost 98% up volume...WAS???? "drop in continuing claims by 250,000" AYKM?????? AYKD??????? ONE MILLION will drop off in the coming months because? they found jobs? NO....99 weeks of benefits have maybe they were sucking the gov teet here.....and now forced to actually look....I have my doubts. we come, the weekend......FRIDAY follow up rally day, near the underside of 200 Exponential Moving Average....been here before......all this boo hoo noise sometimes don't as I DO, not as I am polled.

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