Thursday, June 10, 2010


From PLANET YELNICK'S TYPEPAD (most excellent resource) You are encouraged to follow the links I provide and study the material. You MUST make effort to educate yourself, maybe that's why you are here, in ever growing numbers of that I appreciate it. 6 years of sticking with it, posting on regular basis and word of mouth have paid off. (I obviously don't advertise my blog). ABout a year ago I also switched to early morning and after market postings as a regular feature and a weekend wrap too. AS I can all during day I throw stuff up on the blog.

I will go from using charts (which some have told me they don't understand) to using articles and my writing about fundamentals and other things. IT all works together to paint the picture and I try to appeal to all different types of people/investors......the effort is worth it....just stick with it.

Just as in politics, we can NO LONGER just vote party lines, or vote for someone because they promise to do stuff, they all do that. I think it's great this country elected a BLACK PRES. but that in of itself doesn't guarantee he will be great.....not a reason to vote for someone....we need to know more before we press the button if we can. To get elected maybe you cant really say much....

Market futures are green and point to triple digit open...whoopieeeeee


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