Tuesday, January 25, 2005

SS in a FIX

SS in a FIX

Bush plan to privatize another good ole boy scheme.Cost of $2 trillion over 10 years of which will come out of thin air? NO, increased need to borrow SHOULD put UPWARD pressure on interest rates.AND private Gov papers leaked that they KNOW they will need to either RAISE taxes or CUT benefits because good old privatization doesn't do a do diddley for current morass and shortfalls.

2nd termer due for rough sledding. I know people STILL buying second home...here this from a financial planner I know...." we are buying a condo in Fla as INVESTMENT, all our other money is in stock market....."As property taxes skyrocket, and first time home buyers are priced out, not a healthy backdrop to economic expansion.

We SCREWED the pooch here, and have borrowed mightily from FUTURE demand, while KILLING our manufacturing, building CHina into world power, and bankrupting our country.

It's a plan.


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