Wednesday, April 20, 2005



If the Congressman you had on this afternoon, Roscoe Bartlett, is our best hope for SS reform and understanding the situation, I am VERY afraid!

"well, I like this guys bill, I endorse it, SEE you have this pile of money, well we'll give it to you, see we just print it anyways, and then we have the SS trust fund pile earmarked with YOUR name on it, and UHHH,and when you retire at AGE 90... whatever PILE is bigger you KEEP, the other we keep....simple yes!" These idiots are massaging a 4 yr old BILL!

"One change, if you aren't around at retirement age, we KEEP BOTH PILES!" smiles ROscoe.

DO ANY of these yoyo's have a clue?

As you said Ron, they will end up raising the age you can get a dime, near your natural death timeline, and give you less, and maybe take more! PROBLEM SOLVED!

Also, that MR Bush is so, well he's a thinker for all ages. And well when he signed that TOUGHER bankruptcy law, well Ron, I was PROUD to be an American!

WHY shouldn't those loafers whom the companies this bill now protects fed them the line so easy to hang themselves made to pay it back!? HOW dare these avg citizens try and get over these money dealers? AND what timing, right at the fricken' ZENITH of household debt as % of anything!

Duratek comments and or let me know what you think of my writing email

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