Friday, July 02, 2010


Bad kind of cross here in yields. LOCK step action. Flight to "safety" can you believe it? Money backing out of overbought treasuries could fuel a rebound in stocks.

Inraday low Thursday is one level to watch, 1040 above which WAS support now could be resistance.

EMployment report due out today 8:30 AM but you knew that. Record lows in mortgage rates, record lows in sales.

Now this whole contrived rally was it not based on a V-SHAPED recovery? and we are questioning if there ever was one and MSM is talking dbl dip?

Now Census workers coming in and out of payrolls will make mess if making any sense of it.

Liquidity surge in oversold Euros and weakening $ could surge's always been about sustainability and the talk of EXTENDING BENNIES shows there is NO recovery in the areas we need w/o GOV interference.


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