Tuesday, August 04, 2009


I hear what the bulss are saying, I won't ignore the facts as I see them. We could argue being long near DOW 7,000, but unless this IS NEW BULL MKT then running after a market already run up a good bit and with PE ratios consistant with prior tops, I think I'll takea knee and WAIT for better opportunity.
Don't read what I have to say and then blame me for making a bad decision, If you agree with not enterring this market NOW if you havet been and think easy money been had fine.....do as you see fit, I dont suggest anyone do anything.... You have to learn to think for yourself.
ANy investment carries risk, I look to minimize it, Another stute reader suggested it should be more about preservig what you got, not making more. This may be one of those times.
I have said going short is very risky, I also said I am not short nor have been since MArch... if you think the market is going to continue UP and we're in a NEW BULL MKT, then do as you see fit, pardon me if I dont agree an dont chase the market.
I am working towards JUST TRADING SPX futures contracts, then I dont need to care about the fundamentals, just day to day, hour to hour trading, not the bigger picture. I'll read and write about that just for fun.
No one was posting how good an idea it would be at DOW 6,600 to get long, so much for that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You bad man. My Baltic state goes up. You loos much money. No what talk abot. You frend loos much on dollar . He bad.