Monday, October 19, 2009

price of us inflationist policy

Do you think this purposeful devaluation of our currency will end well? WHAT if we do lose our reserve currency status? How then do we fund our excesses? Unfunded liabilities?
SO fueling ANOTHER BUBBLE, as we witness sucky economy but rampant stock rally.....and the resultant excuse me INFLATION in OIL and other commodities.....has the FED done their job in keeping a stable currency and economic environment?
Ever more INTERVENTION has been needed but this time it's not working to the effect the man on the street is doing better.
It is more TRANSFER of wealth to WALL STREET, to OIL anywhere but here.



Anonymous said...

Fab chart D. You right we crash hard cant wate . All long lemmings die bad. You told em D.D is for death and destrustion deflations deceptction and die longs you lemming fools long live DDDDDDDDD
I add much to short today al illusions no way reel it is bb bs

Duratek said...

DONT underestimate theur ability to keep this game noland piece...I dont have short signal yet FWIW

Anonymous said...

I cant believe THE D took time to say to my post. Thank you D.
I so humble here Thank You D

We laugh when crash happens

D said...

You may poke fun at this, I never do. MILLIONS hurt already, more to come, thats NO laughing matter

Anonymous said...

Sorry D, I no mean it funny people hurt.
I short and you like short no ?

You so smart. I no be happy with crash now, but still short.