Sunday, October 24, 2004

Death of a BULL Market?

DEATH of a bull market OK one more, I decided to remove the Euro and leave the Dow in $$ (I had first run chart $INDU in euro's) It makes the recovery the bulls love to remark about look better, but it hasn't changed one thing.

And that is IMHO The bull market which WAS supported by these lengthy long term moving avg's as I input the 200 and 400 WK SMA's....rising and the 200 above the 400. WHAT do you observe happening now?IMHO, this is quite significant, no other chartist has brought this up to support their claim of a new bull mkt and rightly so!
As I choose to see this, as bitter proof the GREAT bear market which began in 2000 and was interrupted by a cyclical bull mkt now over is going to GAIN MOMENTUM going forward. The SLICING through the 400 WK by the 200 WK will be the icing on the TA cake for me....and IMHO an irrefutable one.


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