Monday, August 31, 2009

'BAILING OUT THE TITANIC WITH A THIMBLE" Steve Keen has assembled an excellent writing on what sort of MESS we are in.
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Bailing out the Titanic with a Thimble
Steve Keen
Pages: 3-24
Abstract: -
Full Text PDF (488KB) <<

Our Gov with HELP from cash for klunkers, STIM of $1T and a FED with ZERO interest rate policy is trying to stem the tide from a problem of indescribale size and pissing in the wind.

You will see that even DOUBLING the MONEY BASE in 4 months (never before) has not helped raise the most important "VELOCITY" of money, how quickly it changes hands in the economy.

As my last post alluded to what we HAVE accomplished is to BAIL OUT the 5 BANKS which almost single handedly created the toxic swamp, and now they get to rule the world (TOO BIG TO FAIL means we can never hold THEM accountable) and pay themselves MULTI MILLION $$ bonuses...job well done.

Well, that's what you get when you put the FOX IN THE HENHOUSE, and rely on former GS etc associates to create the very solution they helped to bring on! Obviously CHANGE to Obama means bring MORE of these CRONIES on board.

You see, these "EXCESS" deposits in the banking system can just SIT THERE (not getting into economy) and these WHORE BANKS can let the interest paid just pile up.

Imagine this, to REFLATE economy you would have to induce one helluva increase in leveraging (credit/debt) by an already over burdoned populace who is now bent on DELEVERAGING, at the same time BANKS have tightened lending standards.....and we have MULTI MILLIONS with NO JOBS to help us out.

What this means is you can keep hearing the SAVANTS on MSM chant hail to the chief, the FED, they have saved the day, but in reality the DEFLATION is a higher force like a BLACK HOLE which is sucking us all in and escape is not very likely.

The CHINESE stock market was off sharply overnight and has fallen hard the last few weeks, NOT a good sign.

You remember who kept sounding the alarm and who has tried to raise awareness of the extent of the issues facing us, and the morons we have leading us. My large increase in readership may be a clue. I may not be right, but I do seek the truth and understanding.

If knowing the f'ers who got us into this mess, are now AT THE HELM and are enriching themselves as the average person suffers doesn't anger you, nothing will. DO YOU WONDER WHY THE FEDERAL RESERVE IS FIGHTING ANY KIND OF AUDIT?????


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