Saturday, August 07, 2010



Anonymous said...

Banks cannot lead us out. Remember they lent more credit than can be serviced. Yes the Fed tried to put a floor on asset prices by buying mortgage backed securities to the tune of 1.2 trillion dollars. Surely you dont think they will succeed. Check home prices in the example you yourself posted before ie Japan. Home prices have been heading down 20 yrs. As long as asset prices are falling and people are defaulting banks are bleeding.

Demographics are against the US. Also when baby boomers retire 80 million strong they have lost almost half their wealth in 401ks so they will have to sell their houses to fund their retirement. What do you think will happen to home prices when the biggest generation starts selling houses?

Even though they are bleeding banks are sucking the lifeblood out of the economy at the same time. Since fed fund rate is close to zero banks can borrow for close to nothing and buy bonds. Who pays the interest? The tax payer. Banks dont pay the taxpayer much interest on deposits. So you can see how both political parties have decided that they will save the banks at all costs even though it means doom for the general populace.

Marc R said...

"let no crisis go unused" or waste an opportunity to grow gov even larger....gain more power....maybe even pass some unconstitutional laws...takes some rights...

Yes, Bermanke thinks he is gd and we won't go way of Japan...he is right in fact...we don't have the savings Japan had

People have not lived through deflation....they'll get their chance now I me both parties suck...maybe one sucks more.

Agree about the downsizing baby boomers....many rushing in for these bargains.....they don't realize price can still, will continue lower with flush supply for many years to come....

FED might STILL be buying bonds worry at some point they will screw us so bad the $ will collapse to unknown values....with the weight of the debt and printing....and those who seek protection and yield of some kind from these "safe" bonds....will be trapped...unless our bonds go MUCH further and stay there as has been case for japanese bond yields for 20 years.

No I keep NO savings in the bank...MM's for cash accts, but I get nothing there either.

I feel stocks accident waiting to happen...nope Im not there either.

RR put it simply....there are times you should be happy just NOT LOSING....but everybody loses....

If we go many years into boomer retirement....and keep deflating...when smoke clears on stock mkt....add to that unfunded liabilities...current deficits...paints a dif pic then MSM or our fearless leaders paint.

enjoy your comments, hope others are reading.
No banks can't lead us out....realizing losses can...over time.foisting debts and bad bets onto unsuspecting public....not going to get it done.