Friday, January 21, 2011


Rising in the 90's. FALLING into 2000 and rising end of 2002......Peaking in 2006 (prior to 2007 top)
Is there NOT good correlation between how Consumers "SAY" they are feeling, about present and even future circumstances?
Don't Consumers (they are really just like you and me) PRESENT situation the PURPLE LINE fell like nothing has changed?
HELLOOOO, can you SEE the PURPLE LINE? Where is it? WALDO is slugging, slinking along the worst readings since the inception of this indicator. The WORST it ever was is still the worst it ever was, EVEN WITH 90% supposed wealth effect of an historic manipulated jacked up, jerked up trumped up, hyped up overvalued overbullish stock market ponzi drama......SOMETHING DOESN'T ADD UP?
Maybe MOST on the street people have most value in homes, and the loss of value there DWARFS this FED Induced gambit by a mile.
Nearly 2 years into supposed recovery, 2 years into 0% FED FUNDS EXPERIMENT.....this is what we have to show for it?
But dont fret.....we are told companies have record profits and record cash hordes.......does this remind you of the AirTran Commercial (right airline?) where the guy gets fired over the phone........."where are you.....?"
Yeah it feels like that

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