Thursday, August 11, 2011


You cannot have it both ways, huge flow of money fleeing the market for safety driving down the 2 year yield to an astoundingingly low .19% !!! It was .69% when the whole system looked to melt down!
90% volume days now as common as McDonalds Restuarants. 80% of people polled say they worry about money. Lowest rates in history have not fixed the hole that is real estate.

Savers will get NO reprieve til after 2013? getting as good as nothing for savings. WILD SWING in gold prices, multiple days of record gains to a record high.

Oil has fallen $20 a barrel but the price at pump has not budged in many towns. Construction companies are sucking mudd. Claims fell to 398,000 down 7,000 from prior week, reason for cheer?

20% of Americans rely in government handouts. What recovery includes over 9% unemployment 2 years later?

You think it's safe to come out of the shelter and venture back into the stock market? think again


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