Sunday, October 30, 2005


It really hard to sum up in a few words what is wrong with the FED policy last 30 years, and from what BB has said we get a feel more of the same and then some is coming.

WE did get a wild ride and 20 yr plus bull cycle, at the end of which it bubblized (not a word). Technology was the driver of economy in the 90's, and was responsable for the good economy, not any policy. Thank Bill Gates maybe?

WHat is MUST HAVE NOW? if you have a perfectly good IPOD will you ignore it to buy another that plays some video? I thought it was for LISTENING? the screen is TINY. But there are devices that let you hook it up to your stereo. OK

MOST EVERYONE'S computer is now running a chip that will not ever do all it is capable, the upgrades needed when a 500 MGZ speed was tops is now gone with 2.5 G considered entry level.

I think XMAS might be OK, but it is usually graded on how much MORE people spent than previous, there it might dissapoint IF FLAT, FLAT would be good IMHO

If A bear market and slowing economy is SNIFFED OUT 6-12 months early by stock market, and a guy smart like Leuthold feel ones coming in early 2006, we're in that time frame now. 6,000-8,000 is my bottom number for Dow. 1000 for naz 600-800 for SPX not a penny more.

Its almost guaranteed by history, SECULAR market follow each other, a 3 yr bear is cyclical, but it followed the longest running bullmkt in history. 3 years is LONG IN THE TOOTH for a cyclical bull mkt, going long even for yr end rally is fools play for me, I await other opportunities. HIGHS FOR ALL INDEXES ARE IN IMHO

For what BUSH did to undercover CIA agent, for LYING to AMerican people when he KNOWINGLY used the African "yellow cake" story where IRAQ was SAID to have been trying to buy African uranium, a NEAR CERTAINTY, even as he was told it was a LIE, he used that to make his case for a liars was, why IMPEACHMENT procedings have not begun I do not understand.

He has misused the ultimate sacred power of making war.....for his OWN purposes. He stains the white house more than any MOnica dress ever could!


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