Thursday, April 29, 2010


How many months has Greece been in the news? One day its fine, next day a crisis, next day they got bailout plan, then that falls apart, now its on aagin, this is used each time to explain stock market action.....THIS IS PAST REDICULOUS.

We have the Ponzinomics Bendover economy, and policies which unlike Robin Hood steal from the avg Joe and give to the already rich bankers and such....or bailed out homeowners or klunkers....natural selection no longer at play.

It may be pointed out that Greece has defaulted many times before, those buying Greek Bonds were well aware of the risk ,now we have to hold our breaths hoping for a bailout? WTF!!??

Many companies go belly up, some come out restructured and stronger. others have no plan and those who took risks investing should bear the brunt, not us....not the rest of us.

The banks made bad bets, the banks made the products that turned around and bit them in the ass.....we pay.

GM touts on new commercial "we repaid our loans with interest 5 years in advance"......with other tarp loans...OMG.....the NEW GM!!! haa

Many of the jobs lost in manufacturing will never come back.

Capitalism has taken a shot in the chops, the taxman is sharpening his pen.....and we have NO leadership in the White House....just a socialist masquerading as a populist.......reshaping our lives like it or not........putting us in HOCK as far as the eye can see....GOV knows best

Instead of doing anything to rebuild our economy, they took a shot at resurrecting the stock market, and they have NO plans to alter we suffer on Main accident is waiting to happen...


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