Thursday, April 29, 2010


4 week moving average of claims rose 1,500 to 462,000.....more accurate picture as less subject to swings. This is not good, this is not progress!

I'm sure the headlines and the HAIR CAFE' over at MSM hype pot will be telling you of a dramatic drop in claims....this far into "recovery" we should be building boatloads of jobs.

Not one of those airheads, clueless mind controlled will mention that CHinese engine seems to be sputtering. That we can't forever be held up by GOV nor FED.

Holding rates at 0% the FED actions to me spoke louder than mind control words.....what is it about the 80% V shaped romp that stocks have accomplished that to me doesn't compute into holding rates at ZERO for indefinate period of time.

You think this won't comeback to bite us in the ass at some point?

Why doesn't the assholes running the show give me say $500,000 play money and I can guarantee 25 jobs, instead of the maybe $1M per job the stimulus supposedly SAVED? give me the money! DO you see the problems and inequities when the GOV is our saviour? wellit saved the wealthy bankers we know that and the seething disgust runs not far from the surface of the avg American and we will have something to say when elections come around.

They're gaming the market for the open, see if a high is made by the first hour or not.


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