Monday, April 19, 2010


Bears are battling a TSUNAMI of FED and GOV stimulus and policy, where it is inflate or be buried. This leaves only one aveneue basically for appreciation.....lemmings have been listening, according to weekend Noland almost $1 Trillion has exited money market funds.

The downshoot of all this is people seem to have very short memories and we've been here before and the excercise ends with an economy that cannot stand on its own 2 feet and is badly off balance.

But you tell me if its any good if all this gov largesse doesn't reach its intended target and instead just insights wild speculation leaving most good values as a second thought?

What good is an indictment of GS that leaves one of its main pigs unscathed, Hank Paulson?



Anonymous said...

The playground for all the dirty dealing from the criminal bankers is the unregulated OTC market. The OTC is a white collar crack house that needs to be bulldozed into oblivion. Kill the root or the weed will grow back.

I have total disdain for the politicians that are now jumping on the regulatory bandwagon. Where were these do-gooders when the Glass-Steagall act was repealed?

Regarding the stock market - the greater fool syndrome appears to be just about in full bloom. This is another government induced bubble created and propagated by low interest rates. When this one blows up you will hear the same song and dance by the FED as has been heard before.

So the retail investor is pouring funds into the stock market? Just let me know when the elevator is full.

Marc R said...

Citigroup Earns $4.4B in 1Q as Trading Rebounds- AP
Citigroup Inc. has provided more evidence that the nation's big banks may have turned a corner, reporting a surprise first-quarter profit as trading revenue offset losses from failed loans

BANKS NO LONGER LEND, they are just smoke filled parlor rooms that trade, some progress!