Monday, April 19, 2010


FRIDAY was a 90% DOWN VOLUME DAY, so there was some serious selling taking place.

Today (GEE It's MONDAY isn't it?) the rally was described as weak only 64% up volume, which I believe was being sold into.

90% down days will usually will be followed by 2-7 days of rally attempt.

Knoll earnings fell 17% and that is from already crummy 2009 comparison. Companies order office furniture when they hire people.....look under the surface and you will see what is real.

What is real is a handoff of debt from wall street to the citizens while they make almost ALL of their profits from "TRADING".......are there any real banks left?

Yeah banks got healthy.....they got bailed out, propped up.....accounting rule change to HIDE losses......allowed to HFT and nothing can make them lend. We don't have balanced economy....and we cannot grow to prosperity by printing money and creating even worse imbalances....OH the bubble can go further, the game continue....and it will end as all bubbles do.

SHANGAI BREAKING DOWN, and a wedge formation is in play

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