Tuesday, June 28, 2005

SIX 911 References in Bush Speach...call 911

a decent leader as US President is MIA.

He started his speach with 911 reference. IRAQ is battle front in War on terror. How horrible the bombings are, how we'll take the fight to terrorists before they get us here, his duty as President.

Funny thing, maybe not so, IRAQ had a brutal dictator, a murderer with 2 sadistic offspring, ONE thing they didn;t have was a country full of outsiders, full of Al Queda, full of insurgents..........but after we invaded Iraq...........they are sure there now! It is because of the actions of this PResident, not anything this is all happening.

Tonights speach was to buy time? it offered nothing new but the same OLD tired BS rhetoric. I know I have readers from all over the world, I am proud of that. I don't like to preach poilitcs, you come here for Market commentary, but all the things going on now WILL effect world economies.

A LID is on showing the REAL WAR to the people, Iraqi body count DENIED/RESTRICTED, showing of any coffins coming home DENIED.

Good things may indeed be going on for some IRaqi's, but the death count is alarmingly GROWING, not receding. someone ought to inform Dickless Chenny on the facts of the war, the insurgents are not on the run Dick, only Haliburton for screwing the Gov and cheating the taxpayers.

Is this a corrupt Gov? I think it's very possible. And A lot else I think I'll keep to my self.

I'm glad I watched baseball this evening instead of LIVE speach......


1 comment:

Anonymous said...
