Wednesday, August 31, 2005


I found this IMPORTANT CAHE'D article on YHOO yes I didn't "google it! ughHH!

LINK CLICK HERE Read carefully, it puts forth a powerful article on why, though 100% CLEAN, it is NOT efficient.

SO, IMHO MOST of these companies will fail, stocks may rise, but it won't be from profits IMHO and MOST will run out of cash, is there enough HYPE from soaring oil to run these stocks up for a trade?

SAD THING? IF BUSH hadn't veto'd the gasoline auto efficiency mileage bill mandating better avg per miles to fleet we might not be having this CRISIS!!!! OIL has BUSH in their pocket!

NEW energy bill? $$$$$$ for pig rich energy companies, NONE for consumers, not a word on getting better mileage!


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