Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Breakout or double top? highest bar of volume in 2010 was a RED SELL BAR.....now volume wanes with higher prices, has "plagued" rally since its inception, if we can it that.
SOme smart people think the FED meeting and QE2 announcement could be anti (bull) climatic, priced IN the market, it's mostly all KNOWN, well publicized and could turn into a "sell the news" event. They go on to argue if less than another $1 Trillion would not be well recieved.....
There enough Consumers left out there NOT on GOV DOLE to keep corporate profits humming?
WOuld it be SICK JUSTICE if an actual uptick in economy were to occur, that caused interest rates to propel upward and instead of bad news leading to hopeful FED action.....hopeful news leads to fears the FED party is over...higher interest rates would cripple economy.
Forget for now the FRAUDGATE.....


Anonymous said...

break out free fed $ trumps any BS accounting crap, same as it ever was, party on!

Marc R said...

Best game of musical chairs money can buy.......