Thursday, October 01, 2009


BRIEFING.COM Back into "contraction" territory.....when will the data back up the bullish scenario? I don't think it can without manipulation. Unless you mean the gobs of money the too bigger to fail banks are throwing into the market from their trading desks, the ones that recently we were told saw your trades before you got filled?
The 9 banks that were given money fromPaulson with no strings attached? And the FED that doesn't know or won't tell where all their dough is going? who got what....was it right to switch the deal voted on for bad asset buying and turn it into a bank holiday? which will turn into FAT BONUSES....? HOW SHOULD the American public react when Wall Street gives itself BILLIONS? after needing bailing out?
What economy as car sales shrink with no klunker stim? No bank lending? what will small businesses do? I get GUT feeling (plus my charts) that this decline is for real....we will know more later as to the true nature of it....even a brush fire must use dead debris to fuel fire...maybe we're just brining some of that off now....some other fuel can run this thing up...
I may stand in a lonely place.....but at least I know why I am standing here.

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