Saturday, November 13, 2004

Frontline THoughts Mauldin always a worthwhile read.

When the BULLS run this, it is hard to see forrest for the trees. Could be headed MUCH higher, but a breather would be healthy, much more vertical climbing and it could be a nasty correction rather than just a bullish correction...which would be healthy.

NO market goes in straight line or it could come back SAME path. We don't want that, we like order.

Action has been SO strong I am inclined to think higher is way we do go, but a retrace of at least .382 Fib ratio is needed, IMHO

Best to all. Always good to keep open mind to any potential outcome.

Must keep some CASH in portfolio so you can buy into the lower lows like in 2002 when market bottomed.....if fully invested and your LTBH, you go down and up with ship.

A GOOD financial planner able to rebalance your portfolio would be great start.

Had you exited any tech in 2000, and bought gold/gold shares, have weathered the storm andmade a great deal of money. FED tipped hand with speed of rate cuts.

But it took 13 rate cuts to 45 yr lows to KICK START often in history do you think that has ever happened.

WE have had only 2 months since Recession officially ended, where the jobs data added more than 300K jobs. Making this believe it or not the weakest recovery in history.

Enjoy the Bush re-election rally while it lasts....but keep both eyes open


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