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Back in 2000 this indicator relating the fear to the price one would pay for the SPX topped out and was ONE relationship which helped to signal the long running bull was DOA. We rose to over 30% HIGHER than bubble reading during this "recovery". It appears this ratio has topped and is putting finishing touches of right shoulder.When 20 wk plows thru 50wk moving avg as it is leaning to do, it will be loud warning that Bear market phase II may have begun.A break of 10,000 on Dow thi stime will bring in heavy selling IMHO.
Now we had FED manning the money pumps night and day and damn if they didn't resuscitate the bitch! (up hefty $50B plus last week alone)
LOOK what it did to the housing market, brought in the f'ing speculators, banks are ill-prepared for loan defaults as they whored out loans using piggyback methods and interest only tags.......putting unsaavy new home owners in over their head, buying more house than they can afford.
FED cannot control long rates as they have fallen even as short ones rise??
Katrina moved the FED to pump $50 Billion into money supply last week. Will more money keep the ship afloat? ALL problems are solved the same way for this fleecing flim flam squad.
Alan G met with Bush last week, why do you suppose...."Mr G, hold back rate increases because of Katrina" Yields collapsed now 4%
Even if temporary high energy prices are never going back to the good old days. Past history, energy shocks have caused Recessions.
Consumer Confidence may fall, spending may fall further effecting corporate profits.
Is rebuilding below sea level a good idea? many will never return after this tragedy and trauma. Rebuilding will not begin for months and will cover many years, so its effect on economy won't be dramatic, it is balanced by what we lost.
We have bad government, run by special interest groups and the in crowd of which Bush shades.Cheating and stealing from the likes of Haliburton only caused stock to rise to new highs.Bills for energy give mostly to already rich energy companies, there is NOTHING for conservation or improving MPG!!?? we have bad government.
Some worthless Roads spending goes mostly to whom chairs the committee, like Alaska.
We are indirectly taxed when more fiat dollars flood the system and erode our purchasing power....and policies lead to ramapant housing inflation and parabola moves in commodities.
A box of f'ing cereal is $4. (BS Masters of Reality in background)
The spread between haves and nots going parabolic under Bush and his tax cuts for rich.
Jobs created mostly minimum wage jobs. 4.9% unemployment?????
Excuse me, shouldn't rampant need of workers cause a swell in their paychecks? NAGHHHHHH
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