Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Replies to my bolg

Don't be shy. Use Duratek@yahoo.com if you want a reply, leave a message here to is great. I get alerted when that is, but I cannot reply to it in that manner.

I will get to my email acct as I can, try to reply if appropriate.

I am a BOZO ON THIS BUS, but you gonna need a sense of humor to get by.
I also appreciate thekind comments some have sent my way, it makes me want to continue the blog, it's free for as long as I can.MAny things going on, my business and my other hobby photography.

It is also understood, I do this for recreation purposes, don;t try these stunts at home and my postings are my opinions nothing more.

WHO can see the future? I rather look to the past for clues, and keep my ear to the ground in the present to understand the trend and its potential parameters.

SEE, I am not ranting and raving about the napalm sent to Wall Street today, no reason, I sit on the sidelines and sling mud, but the ACTION will determine how much we credit todays action to pointing us to potential top short term or not.

Smart money is short, dumb money is long.....bend over Hedge Funds.



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