Friday, October 09, 2009



MAYBE many are playing for 0% $ bulls and 100% Equity bulls? One would think this condition will be rectified at some point.

TELLING friends in many ways may be the fact that the FED has created some $800 Billion of EXCESS Reeserves.....surely if this money got into the system and you apply the multiplier effect (velocity of money 7X) that could be a huge problem......FED states they know how to take this money applied out with no harm, dont this time the BANKS are mostly SITTING on these reserves.....other than to themselves what has the current strategy doen for economy or anyone other than the bailed out bankers themselves?

GREAT PLAN! manipulate STOCK MARKETS....AS real economy fades away...



Anonymous said...

Here is another story on the US dollar. Makes sense to me!!

Personally speaking - I can't have enough dollars in the bank, my home or my pocket. The more the better. Keep your Yaun, Euro's and Rubles and go away. If the Saudi's don't want US dollars for oil then fine. Oil is abiotic anyway - we can just open the country back up to drilling like the 20's thru the 60's.

The only reason we stopped drilling was because it was cheaper to import. And the US military would rather suck up the world reserves than use our own. And the oil companies like US dollars too so they create an artificial market which is like printing money.

D said...

The CHORUS for "death of the $" has gotten SO LOUD and so PERSISTANT....I am almost 100% sure we are close to an EXPLOSIVE $ RALLY....come on at 3-4% there really anyone left to diss it?

And as I showed in my mirror image chart, if indeed THINGS...stocks have risen in LOCK STEP with the besmirching of the dollar....some of this FROTH has to be $ is firm to up and mkt is firm to up...only since March has weak $ = strong mkt.....we'll see.

A push for clean diesel could pretty much solve any energy crisis we might have....that's TOO easy.