Friday, October 09, 2009


Yes, even the vaunted category BIG BOX cheapest prices in town WALMART is part of the lost decade, and when you consider how the US $ has lost nearly 40% of its value over this period, it puts to light the scheme of the GOV STIM and FED INTEREST RATE POLICIES over this period into question.

WHen you artificially STIMULATE and support a market it and others tend to get distorted.

THE MSM is hailing comments from Ben Bernanke that he will keep int rate policy accomodative for some time to come until "the economy recovers sufficiently" as reasons to BUY THE STOCK MARKET. YOU BUY WHEN THE FED IS ACCOMODATIVE.

But let me ask this, we are 70% a Consumer Economy. WE have near record unemployment. Over 5 million have looked for over 6 months and cannot find work. The U6 report has unemployment and under employment near 20%. In data released it shows the TREND for LOANS is DECLINING, CONTRACTING. These near RECORD unemployed cannot consumer nor borrow as before, can't invest like before, please tell me how this equates into a bullish scenario for our economy?



Anonymous said...

Every time Jim Rogers states with certainty a market will go up it goes down. Look for the US dollar to mount a huge rally and gold to retreat to under 800 per ounce in the next 6 months. Now gold may top 2000 in the next 10 years; no doubt. The point is this buy Asia hysteria and dump the dollar is now a mantra being used to brainwash the unsuspecting.

When I see Americans moving to China, Burma, Japan, Thailand, etc, and not Vice Versa I will give in to this nonsense.

Jim Rogers despite his obnoxious hyperbole did not move to China, he moved to Singapore, which is the NY city melting pot of Asia; gfl to him. I got into an email debate with this guy at one time and he was a total self righteous prick. For days after I wished he was standing next to me so I could plant my size 12 shoe right into his mouth.

Anyway, the death of the US and the dollar is completely overdone now. Look for a reversal of huge proportions before gold goes to 2,000.

D said...

I have a size 13 I would like to lend a hand?

ALL the "experts" are in the bullish camp....many good subs are saying we are EARLY in this upmove......massive deception going on here as Americans cant find work and wont

Anonymous said...

Just to follow-up on my email above. I built a stock trading system that is a short term Mean Reversion trading system (built in early 2008). Essentially the system buys stocks that are more than 2 standard deviations from their short term mean.

I frequently visit, the home of the famoous Ed Seykota from Market Wizards and sent him an email with some details. He is a die hard long term trend follower and in summary he will rip you a new ahole if you present to him any possibility of an alternate trading system such as Mean Reversion.

I emailed him 1.5 yaears ago to let him know you can actually make money with alternative approaches other than long term trading and he was another egotistical self rightous snob in his reaction to me.

Mean while (pun intended) my trading system has returned excellent profits in 2008 and 2009.

So what's the point - Don't listen to these media renowned experts and follow your own thinking and intuition.

By the way Seykota calls intuition into-wishing. He has the soul of a mechanical robot.