Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Thanks to INO for chart
Early this AM the dollar index fell below 76.00, now back above.....not much between here and previous lows. You can see, and I have shown how the rally in assets is tied to HIP of weak dollar action, can there be any doubt this is a manipulated attempt to puff up balance sheets?
Unintended consequesces of desiring INFLATION over DEFLATION is higher commodity prices which are going to be PASSED on to COnsumers, yeah those same trying to DELEVERAGE as all stops taken out to get them back to the debt buffet!
Here's what I think is going on JMHO:
There isn't a shred of evidence sans stim the US economy isn't on a heart monitor. WE already know the DIRECT connection to asset flow and weak dollar. Doubling of trasnport avg yet no p/u in carload data nor less followed BDI (in new downtrend) and the new Edmonds survey shows a near 40% PLUNGE in sales as klunker ploy ended....
On top of that we have further evidence the FED actions to ENTICE Consumer back into the DEBT ORGY game has been utter failure with again NO evidence in a perking of credit expansion, instead they continue to retrench and most of that "sideline" cash has made it's way into Bond Funds or is staying in cash...a trend that may be hard to reverse after RECORD LEVELS OF DEBT ACCUMULATED...what they should just go back and pile more onto that?

after a 60% short covering, less worse data, liquidity asset inflation ploy, and evidence the deleveraging has just begun and is ongoing....ANY seperation from the FED and STIM TEET will send share prices PLUNGING. IMHO

What I am looking for. A series of lower highs in the indexes that show attempt to rally to NEW HIGHS has stalled....then I'l short the shit out of this deception manipulated false hope rally....of course I don't reccomend any specific action be followed out by anyone reading this...always consult with financial advisor.
SPX 500 divie yield is down to 2.03% !!! (as per big charts) 3% found at prior MAJOR TOPS
During housing bubble boom all kinds of shot was bought durable same rate?
AS PER CUE, days leading up to FED meeting rarely selloff. I can't dream to know what kind of day we'll have....I will guess not much action UNTIL AFTER 2:15....a few head fakes them BAMM volatility should kick up heels. However, wierd as it may sound, next day usually reverses prior days direction.
SO from here how many think we just keep going straight up? even if FED says basically nothing? HOW MANY DOLLAR BULLS LEFT?
Bullish % in rarified AIR...not maybe a trading ally, but part of the puzzle.
CHINA fell to 2842 down 1.89% overnight
Buffet, Grant. Faber...everyone in the pool? AM I the pool boy?
Duratek....why do I think too much?

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